How can I modify or cancel an Order on the New BPI Trade Online Platform?
- On the main dashboard, click on the Order Book icon to view your orders.

- This will open your Order Book.

To revise or amend your order
- To revise or amend your order, double-click on the order you wish to revise.
- This will open the Order Pad. Revise your order details and confirm the amendment was submitted. Make sure to review the order status in the Order Book.
Note: You may only revise open orders. Cancelled, rejected, and fully matched orders can no longer be revised. For partially matched orders, revision shall only apply on the part that is yet to be matched.
To cancel your order
- To cancel an order, tick on the box to the left of your desired order.

- Right-click and select Cancel.
- This will activate the Order Pad with the action box indicated “Cancel”
- At the bottom part of the Order Pad, input your PIN and select Cancel. Make sure to review the order status in the Order Book.
Note: You may only cancel open orders. Cancelled, rejected, and fully matched orders can no longer be revised. For partially matched orders, cancellation shall only apply on the part that is yet to be matched.