Can I modify a posted order?

For order modifications, given that the order still has an Open Status and you satisfy board lot size, price fluctuation, price dynamic threshold:

  • You can edit the quantity to a lower volume, and it will stay in the queue.
  • You can edit the quantity to a higher volume, however, your order will go to the end of the queue
  • You can edit the price, however, your order will go to the end of the queue for that price point

For order modifications, with the order having a Partially Filled Status and you satisfy board lot size, price fluctuation, price dynamic threshold:

  • You can only edit the quantity to a lower volume but greater than partially filled amount, and it will stay in the queue.
    • For example: Order is 10K, 5K PF, you can only edit volume to 5001 up following board lot sizes
  • You can edit the quantity to a higher volume, however, your order will go to the end of the queue
  • You can edit the price, however, your order will go to the end of the queue for that price point

For Iceberg orders:

  • You cannot edit disclosed and minimum quantity

You cannot edit “Time in Force” field (Day, GTD, GTW, GTM etc.)

To modify an order on the New BPI Trade, go to ORDER BOOK then select the order you wish to modify.

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